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Construction & Engineering Services

BWE Boiler Supply has been acquired by Julio Berkes S.A.

Burmeister & Wain Scandinavian Contractor A/S (BWSC) has sold BWE Boiler Supply to Julio Berkes S.A.

BWE Boiler Supply is an international engineering business developing, designing, constructing and commissioning high efficiency advanced utility and biomass steam boilers to the energy industry. Based on 30+ years of experience in biomass, the boilers represent the best available technology in the market through proprietary designs, which include own boiler, grate and fuel feeding technology, as well as deep knowledge of flue-gas technology. The business has a particularly strong track record and solution offering for utility companies, independent power producers (IPP) and industrial customers, primarily targeting the segment ranging from 50–160 MWth. The organization comprises some 30 highly dedicated and skilled engineers based in Copenhagen, Denmark, and Noida, New Delhi, India.

Headquartered in Uruguay, Berkes is an interdisciplinary engineering and civil construction company focusing on four areas: construction, energy, electricity and industry. The group was founded in 1939, and has completed projects in Uruguay, Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, Paraguay, Colombia, Mexico, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Spain, France, Turkey, Slovakia, French Guiana, Hungary and Thailand.

BWSC is a global power plant operation and maintenance and technical service provider with engineering expertise, enabling power plant owners to deliver cleaner and affordable energy. BWSC is an expert in servicing, upgrading, operating and maintaining energy systems for diesel, natural gas and renewable baseload power plants. The company helps customers increase the reliability and availability of energy production, improve efficiency and performance of their power plant, design and integrate future-proof technologies, and secure lower maintenance cost. Having designed and built hundreds of plants around the world, many on islands or in remote areas, BWSC has the flexibility and know-how to deal with almost challenge. In 2020, it had revenues of US$300 million and 767 employees. BWSC is owned by Mitsui E&S.

Oaklins’ team in Denmark acted as sell-side advisor to Burmeister & Wain Scandinavian Contractor A/S. The team in Argentina supported the transaction.

“We believe that Berkes will be the right owner for the boiler supply business, as they see the strategic advantages in the technology and have ambitions in this field. We therefore trust and foresee, that our good colleagues in the boiler supply unit will find themselves in good hands when they in January 2022 are transferred to Berkes as part of this agreement.”

Nikolaj Holmer Nissen

CEO, Burmeister & Wain Scandinavian Contractor A/S

Talk to the deal team

Kim Harpøth Jespersen

Managing Partner
Copenhagen, Denmark
Oaklins Beierholm

Alejandro Dillon

Buenos Aires, Argentina
Oaklins Columbus

Mads Thomsen

Copenhagen, Denmark
Oaklins Beierholm

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