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Maquinaria y Componentes Industriales

Asesoramiento crítico en su proceso

La maquinaria tradicional se está volviendo rápidamente redundante. En su lugar, las empresas están buscando soluciones más eficaces, como los equipos conectados y la fabricación aditiva. Nuestros profesionales especializados en fusiones y adquisiciones, capital de crecimiento y ECM, asesoramiento de deuda y servicios de financiación corporativa en todo el mundo tienen el conocimiento y la red para ponerle a la vanguardia de este cambio – o vender su negocio a un valor superior.

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transacciones exitosas en Maquinaria y Componentes Industriales
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Controladora Mabe has acquired José M. Alladio e Hijos
Maquinaria y Componentes Industriales

Controladora Mabe has acquired José M. Alladio e Hijos

Controladora Mabe S.A. de C.V. has acquired José M. Alladio e Hijos S.A. (Alladio).

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Mark Climate Technology has acquired Heber GmbH
Private Equity | Maquinaria y Componentes Industriales | Otras Industrias

Mark Climate Technology has acquired Heber GmbH

Heber GmbH has been acquired by Mark Climate Technology, a specialist in climate control systems and a portfolio company of Bolster Investment Partners. This partnership strengthens the positions of both companies in the global market for innovative and sustainable climate solutions, as well as creating unique synergies. Mark Climate’s expertise in standardized, scalable solutions is enhanced by Heber’s emphasis on customer-specific customization.

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KKR to invest in Precipart Group Ltd.
Private Equity | Salud | Maquinaria y Componentes Industriales

KKR to invest in Precipart Group Ltd.

Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (KKR) has agreed to make a significant strategic investment in Precipart Group Ltd., a leading contract manufacturer of precision components for the medical device and aerospace industries. KKR plans to support the company in its continued growth organically and through M&A.

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“With the Oaklins team on board, we had the right partner to access the German market, both in initiating the dialogue as well as handling the challenges of the actual acquisition process. We are very satisfied with the team’s work and look forward to collaborating on future projects.”

Joost van der Sluis

Investment Director, Bolster Investment Partners

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Businesses are shaping the future through M&A

QUARTERLY M&A ACTIVITY: In 2024's Q4, Oaklins completed 90 M&A transactions, with TMT and Healthcare leading, reflecting innovation and strategic growth.

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Alejandro Dillon

Buenos Aires, Argentina
Oaklins Columbus

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Dr. Florian von Alten

Managing Partner
Hamburg, Alemania
Oaklins Germany

Fokko Poldervaart

Amsterdam, Países Bajos
Oaklins Netherlands

Philip Barker

Londres, Reino Unido
Oaklins Evelyn Partners