Zu den Deals

Azrieli Group Ltd. has issued bonds

Azrieli Group Ltd. has completed a fundraising to refinance and develop the company.

Azrieli Group is a real estate and holding firm named after its founder David Azrieli. The company is engaged mainly in the development and management of shopping malls and office buildings in Israel.

Oaklins’ team in Israel advised Azrieli Group and acted as a member of the distributors’ consortium.

Sprechen Sie mit dem Deal-Team

Lior Pais

Tel Aviv, Israel
Oaklins Rosario

Boaz Levi

Tel Aviv, Israel
Oaklins Rosario

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Buydepa has completed an IPO through ScaleX
Andere Branchen | Immobilien

Buydepa has completed an IPO through ScaleX

Buydepa S.p.A. has successfully raised US$3.1 million (CLP3 billion) through its stock market debut on ScaleX (Santiago Venture Exchange). The company placed 12% of its shares through a capital increase, with subscriptions from a local institutional investor and a broad base of high-net-worth qualified investors.

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Vastned Belgium has received a fairness opinion on its reverse cross-border merger with Vastned Retail

Vastned Belgium has received a fairness opinion on its reverse cross-border merger with Vastned Retail

The committee of independent members of the Board of Directors of Vastned Belgium, a listed Belgium-based company, has obtained a fairness opinion in the context of a cross-border reverse merger with Vastned Retail, a listed Netherlands-based company.

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ArtisJP has sold 500 ha of farmland to the Land Fund of Latvia
Landwirtschaft | Immobilien

ArtisJP has sold 500 ha of farmland to the Land Fund of Latvia

ArtisJP has sold 500 hectares of agricultural land in the Ventspils region of western Latvia to the Land Fund of Latvia, managed by the Latvian state finance institution Altum.

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