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Other Industries

Crusader Resources Limited has raised funds and has dual listed on AIM

Crusader Resources Limited (Crusader) has raised funds and has dual listed on AIM.

Crusader is focused on the exploration and development of gold assets in Brazil. Currently, the company has a portfolio of three highly prospective gold assets in Brazil: Borborema, located in Currais Novos, in the state of Rio Grande de Norte; Juruena, located in Nova Bandeirantes, in the state of Mato Grosso in central Brazil; and Novo Astro, 25 km southeast of Juruena, in the state of Mato Grosso in central Brazil.

Oaklins Smith & Williamson, based in the UK, acted as Nominated Advisor (Nomad) on the share placing.

Talk to the deal team

Brian Livingston

Managing Director
London, United Kingdom
Oaklins Evelyn Partners

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