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Construction et Ingénierie

Ram River Pipeline Outfitters has been acquired by Proline Pipe Equipment Inc.

The shareholders of Ram River Pipeline Outfitters Ltd have sold the company to Proline Pipe Equipment Inc.

Ram River Pipeline Outfitters is a support services company. It applies protective coatings and foam products to protect pipeline installations in the field, specially in the oilfield industry.

Based in Canada, Proline Pipe Equipment manufactures and distributes specialized pipeline construction equipment as well as a large variety of fabrication, pipeline and utility supplies and consumables.

Oaklins' team in Dallas advised the seller in this transaction. It provided M&A market research and valuation assistance to the founders, and ultimately recommended taking the company to market. A narrowly-focused market outreach was done after the development of a complete information memorandum. The team highlighted a defensible near-term growth forecast and opportunities to expand the company’s service line with proprietary innovations developed by the company.

Parties prenantes

Contacter l'équipe de la transaction

Bryan Livingston

Associé directeur
Dallas, États-Unis
Oaklins Capital Alliance

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Construction et Ingénierie

Stones NV has acquired SVK NV

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T BAILEY has been acquired by Saothair Capital Partners
Construction et Ingénierie | Machinerie Industrielle et Composantes

T BAILEY has been acquired by Saothair Capital Partners

Saothair Capital Partners has completed the acquisition of T BAILEY. This transaction will provide T BAILEY with the resources needed to continue delivering exceptional service to its customers and strengthen its position in the marketplace.

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Amcomri Group has completed an initial public offering
Construction et Ingénierie

Amcomri Group has completed an initial public offering

Amcomri Group plc has successfully completed an initial public offering (IPO) on the AIM Market of the London Stock Exchange, successfully raising US$15 million (£12 million) through a placing. The IPO will enable Amcomri to further its ‘Buy-Improve-Build’ strategy in the UK engineering sector.

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