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Alimentation et Breuvages

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L’industrie de l’alimentation et des breuvages est fortement tributaire des préférences des consommateurs. Pour correspondre aux exigences actuelles, les entreprises doivent être fidèles à leurs traditions, de l’étiquetage de produit à la stratégie d’acquisition. Nos professionnels expérimentés en fusions et acquisitions du monde entier peuvent vous aider à recentrer votre portefeuille de marques, à trouver les bons partenaires stratégiques et à réaliser une valorisation optimale.

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Uncle Wally's has been acquired by Give & Go
Consommation et Détail | Alimentation et Breuvages | Placements Privés

Uncle Wally's has been acquired by Give & Go

The private shareholders of Uncle Wally's have sold the company to Give & Go, a portfolio company of Thomas H. Lee Partners. Financial details have not been disclosed.

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International Agric. Processing has been acquired by Marcatus QED Inc.
Agriculture | Alimentation et Breuvages

International Agric. Processing has been acquired by Marcatus QED Inc.

International Agricultural Processing Private Limited (IAP), an India-based company exporting gherkins, has been acquired by Marcatus QED Inc., a Canadian company designing custom supply solutions for high quality agricultural products worldwide. Financial terms of this transaction have not been disclosed.

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Harmonium International Inc. has sold a minority stake to Lallemand
Alimentation et Breuvages | Soins de la Santé

Harmonium International Inc. has sold a minority stake to Lallemand

Laboratories Stand has sold a minority sake in Harmonium International Inc. to Lallemand for US$30 million.

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«Over our two-decade history, Uncle Wally’s has achieved tremendous growth and market leadership in the muffin category due to our premium quality products and deep customer relationships. Central to our success has been the entrepreneurial spirit, passion and camaraderie of our management team and employees. We were pleased to welcome the Oaklins team into the Uncle Wally’s ‘family’ to help find the right home for our business and to work side-by-side with us on this important transaction. With Give & Go and Thomas H. Lee Partners, the team identified the ideal partner and we look forward to the next stage of growth for the Uncle Wally’s brand.»

Lou Avignone

CEO, Uncle Wally’s

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Refonte des industries : Points forts des fusions et acquisitions et vision stratégique

QUARTERLY M&A ACTIVITY: (EN) Le deuxième trimestre de 2024 a marqué une période dynamique pour Oaklins avec 62 transactions conclues. Cette activité souligne l'adaptabilité de diverses industries aux conditions de marché en évolution et aux impératifs stratégiques.

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Sebastien Nadeau

Associé directeur
Montréal, Canada
Oaklins E. Canada

Rencontrez nos spécialistes mondiaux du secteur

Philippe Hermant

Conseiller senior
Paris, France
Oaklins France

Paolo Russo

Directeur général
Milan, Italie
Oaklins Italy

Jens Rutten

Zurich, Suisse
Oaklins Switzerland

Jonathan Buxton

Londres, Royaume-Uni
Oaklins Cavendish