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Landwirtschaft | Automobilindustrie | Maschinen- & Anlagenbau, Komponenten | TMT

Ecorobotix schliesst Kapitalbeschaffung ab

Ecorobotix hat USD 52 Millionen aufgenommen. Das neue Kapital wird es dem Unternehmen ermöglichen, neue Märkte zu erschliessen, seine Produktpalette zu erweitern und auf dem bestehenden Geschäftserfolg von ARA in Europa aufzubauen.

Ecorobotix, der Schweizer Hersteller von ARA, entwickelt, produziert und vertreibt innovative Landmaschinen, die wenig Energie verbrauchen und die negativen ökologischen Auswirkungen der modernen Landwirtschaft reduzieren, während die Kosten wettbewerbsfähig bleiben.

Die M&A-Berater von Oaklins in Frankreich fungierten als Finanzberater in der Kapitalbeschaffung.


Sprechen Sie mit dem Deal Team

Antoine Lemaire

Paris, Frankreich
Oaklins France

Charlotte Delphis

Paris, Frankreich
Oaklins France


Selecta has acquired Whetman Plants

Selecta has acquired Whetman Plants

Selecta one (Selecta) has acquired Whetman Plants International Ltd (Whetman). With this acquisition Selecta reinforces its global number one position in the dianthus market. The Whetman range, with a particular strength in perennial dianthus, complements their successful portfolio.

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Haufe-Lexware Real Estate AG has been acquired by Aareon Group, a portfolio company of Advent International
Immobilien | TMT

Haufe-Lexware Real Estate AG has been acquired by Aareon Group, a portfolio company of Advent International

The Haufe Group SE has sold Haufe-Lexware Real Estate AG to Aareon Group.

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Bookwire enters into a long-term strategic partnership with IPG

Bookwire enters into a long-term strategic partnership with IPG

Bookwire, a Germany-based portfolio company of VR Equitypartner, has acquired the digital distribution business of Independent Publishers Group (IPG) and entered into a long-term strategic partnership. Both Bookwire and IPG will continue to focus on their respective specialties, with IPG providing exceptional comprehensive distribution solutions for independent publishers and Bookwire specializing in the worldwide digital distribution of ebooks and audiobooks.

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