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Lennuabi has been acquired by

The founders of Lennuabi have sold the company to Skycop hopes that the acquisition will bolster its presence in the Nordic markets and will pave the way for further growth in the region. The takeover is the beginning of Skycop’s planned expansion program for 2024–25.

Lennuabi is an Estonia-based flight claims management company, helping air passengers get compensation from airlines due to canceled or delayed flights. The company has processed claims to a value of over US$2 million to more than 10,000 customers since 2017. is a Lithuanian-based claims management company, helping passengers get compensated for delayed or canceled flights.

Oaklins’ team in Estonia advised the shareholders of Lennuabi on the sale of the company.


Sprechen Sie mit dem Deal Team

Heikki Källu

Tallinn, Estland
Oaklins Baltics


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