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Industrial Machinery & Components

Acquisition of Stantraek by Novedo

Novedo has acquired Stantraek.

Headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, and founded in 2020, Novedo acquires and develops profitable companies across three segments: industrials, infrastructure and installation and services. Novedo seeks to acquire high-quality companies and allow these to thrive under a decentralized structure, benefitting from the support of the Novedo group. Following the acquisition, Novedo’s proforma revenue is approximately US$257 million and US$28.5 million EBITDA.

Founded in 1967 in Lystrup, outside Aarhus, Denmark, Stantraek specializes in customized components and sheet metal details for industrial applications, and offers a wide variety of competences, from the production of semi-manufactured parts to box-build solutions, creating the most optimal solution for its customers regarding choice of material, process, quality and supply chain management. Stantraek has a stable and diversified B2B customer base in various industries, including wind/energy, electronics and the process industry. Its turnover for 2022 amounted to approximately US$21 million.

Oaklins’ team in Denmark was engaged by Novedo as strategic and financial advisor in this transaction. The acquisition also marks Oaklins’ second transaction as advisor to Novedo.

Art der transaktion
“The acquisition of Stantraek is another important milestone for Novedo as we strengthen our industrial segment. We have successfully worked with Oaklins before, and again the guidance and support they provided throughout the process was critical to achieving a great outcome for everyone involved.”

Per-Johan Dahlgren

CEO, Novedo

Sprechen Sie mit dem Deal-Team

Daniel Sand

Kopenhagen, Dänemark
Oaklins Beierholm

Anders Midtgaard

Senior Associate
Kopenhagen, Dänemark
Oaklins Beierholm


Sunlight Group erwirbt 51%-Beteiligung an Lehmann Marine
Energy | Industrial Machinery & Components

Sunlight Group erwirbt 51%-Beteiligung an Lehmann Marine

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T BAILEY has been acquired by Saothair Capital Partners
Construction & Engineering Services | Industrial Machinery & Components

T BAILEY has been acquired by Saothair Capital Partners

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Mark Climate Technology übernimmt sämliche Anteile der Heber GmbH
Private Equity | Industrial Machinery & Components | Andere Branchen

Mark Climate Technology übernimmt sämliche Anteile der Heber GmbH

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