MKB Fonds has sold Mosa Glas in a management buy-out to ING Corporate Investments
MKB Fonds and other shareholders have sold Mosa Glas to ING Corporate Investments alongside management. With ING Corporate Investments, Mosa Glas has found a new partner that can assist in accelerating growth, as the Benelux market for flat glass provides numerous opportunities.
Mosa Glas is a processor and value-added wholesaler of flat glass products used in construction and renovation projects. The company’s products include insulated glass, triple glass, fire-resistant glass, single and tempered glass. In addition, it provides processing capabilities, transportation, mounting, project advisory, urgent delivery, warehousing services and glass racks solutions. Mosa Glas’ products are sold to more than 400 customers in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany, including other glaziers, façade builders, carpentry factories, window manufacturers, greenhouse manufacturers and local glass (wholesale) companies. Mosa Glas is headquartered in Echt, Netherlands, has in-house processing and logistics departments and can offer custom-made products. The processing facility in Echt enables glass operations such as grinding, custom-made cutting, polishing, doubling and coating. Mosa Glas also includes its subsidiary L.H. van der Woning Glas, a Netherlands-based modern glass processing, which was acquired in 2020.
ING Corporate Investments, part of ING Bank N.V., is a provider of risk-bearing capital such as subordinated debt and minority equity, often as part of total financing solutions, to companies active in the mid-market and large corporate segments in the Benelux.
MKB Fonds is a Dutch private equity firm. The company invests in mature and consistently profitable Dutch family businesses with a proven market position. MKB Fonds is a long-term and actively supportive investor, primarily focused on facilitating business succession and buy-and-build strategies.
Oaklins’ team in the Netherlands acted as the exclusive sell-side advisor to the shareholders of Mosa Glas.