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Acquisition in the packaging and labelling market

Skanem AS has acquired Bergen Plastics AS and Heger AS.

Based in Stavanger, Norway, Skanem has a century-long history in the packaging and labelling market. Over the last 20 years, the group has focused on labels and decoration products in Europe, Asia and Africa. In 2021, the group divested its businesses in Europe and Thailand, retaining its presence in India and East Africa. In 2022, Skanem announced its strategy to invest in the European market for sustainable packaging.

Bergen Plastics is a manufacturer of thin-wall plastic packaging, offering a portfolio of solutions, ranging from containers, lids and closures, and servicing the home care and food markets. Heger offers a complete portfolio of laboratory equipment to hospitals and universities and produces laminated tubes. Both companies have a track record of service to the industries’ most demanding customers.

Oaklins’ team in Norway acted as the exclusive financial advisor to Skanem AS in this transaction.


Talk to the deal team

Bjørn Campbell Pedersen

Oslo, Norway
Oaklins Norway

Kristin J. Bratengen

Oslo, Norway
Oaklins Norway