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Machinerie Industrielle et Composantes

Skala Liquids has been acquired by Goodtech AS

Skala AS has sold Skala Liquids to Goodtech AS.

Skala Liquids has a highly skilled engineering group of 24 employees specialized in liquid food processing, providing turn-key EPC services. By combining cutting-edge technology with seamless automation and its proprietary SaaS SW, Skala Liquids has the capacity to deliver hygienic manufacturing facilities with operational stability, efficient consumption of resources, energy, water and labor.

Goodtech is a provider of industrial solutions and technology services. With a long story of delivering engineering and automation solutions, Goodtech stands as a prominent industry player renowned for its ability to transform complex challenges into efficient, sustainable and value-driven outcomes.

Skala specializes in the design and construction of production facilities spanning a wide array of industries and applications. Skala takes full project ownership, from initial design and engineering phases through project execution, automation, assembly and facility establishment.

Oaklins’ team in Norway acted as the exclusive financial advisor to the shareholders of Skala Liquids.

Parties prenantes

Contacter l'équipe de la transaction

Øyvind Holtedahl

Oslo, Norvège
Oaklins Norway

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IRT Technologies a été acquis par ETL System
Aérospatial, Défense et Sécurité | Machinerie Industrielle et Composantes | TMT

IRT Technologies a été acquis par ETL System

IRT Technologies a été acquis avec succès par ETL Systems, ouvrant la voie à de nouvelles opportunités d'innovation et de croissance. Cette acquisition renforce le portefeuille de communications satellitaires d’ETL et étend sa présence mondiale, tout en permettant à IRT Technologies de tirer parti de l’expertise et de la portée d’ETL dans l’industrie.

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Sunlight Group has acquired a 51% stake in Lehmann Marine GmbH
Énergie | Machinerie Industrielle et Composantes

Sunlight Group has acquired a 51% stake in Lehmann Marine GmbH

Through its acquisition of a 51% stake in Lehmann Marine GmbH, Sunlight Group continues to strengthen its position in the growing energy solutions market, while expanding its portfolio of innovative technologies. With over 30 years of expertise in producing lead-acid and lithium-ion batteries, Sunlight Group has established itself as a leader in advanced battery technology.

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T BAILEY has been acquired by Saothair Capital Partners
Construction et Ingénierie | Machinerie Industrielle et Composantes

T BAILEY has been acquired by Saothair Capital Partners

Saothair Capital Partners has completed the acquisition of T BAILEY. This transaction will provide T BAILEY with the resources needed to continue delivering exceptional service to its customers and strengthen its position in the marketplace.

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