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Abaco3 SpA has acquired Exprivia SpA

Abaco3 SpA has acquired 43.5% of Exprivia SpA through a voluntary public tender offer.

Abaco3 SpA is a vehicle created for the purpose of tendering Exprivia SpA.

Exprivia SpA is a listed Italian company than provides consultancy, technology services and information technology solutions.

Oaklins Italy’s parent company Banca Akros acted as the appointed broker in the collection of shares in the total voluntary public tender offer of 43.5% of Exprivia SpA by Abaco3 SpA.

Parties prenantes

Contacter l'équipe de la transaction

Giulio Greco

Directeur général
Milan, Italie
Oaklins Italy

Marco Valsecchi

Analyste senior
Milan, Italie
Oaklins Italy

Nicola Biancoli

Milan, Italie
Oaklins Italy

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