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Det sker en rad radikala förändringar inom bilindustrin. Samhället rör sig alltmer bort ifrån fossila bränslen och självkörande fordon håller snabbt på att bli en verklighet. Våra engagerade medarbetare, som arbetar på nyckelmarknader världen över när det gäller bilindustrin, är angelägna om att du skall lyckas i detta skiftande företagsklimat.

Vår kunskap inom bilindustrin sträcker sig över allt ifrån OEM till nya teknologiföretag och hjälper dig att slutföra avgörande affärer – både inom och utanför den traditionella värdekedjan.

Kontakta rådgivare
slutförda affärer inom Bilindustrin
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Omnetic, member of EAG Group, has raised growth capital from Kartesia and CVI
Bilindustrin | TMT

Omnetic, member of EAG Group, has raised growth capital from Kartesia and CVI

EAG Group has completed a first investment round for its Omnetic platform. The company was seeking growth capital of up to US$110 million in order to consolidate the CEE markets and finance its expansion to new geographies. The transaction was closed with Kartesia, the European specialist provider of capital solutions for small- and mid-sized companies, in partnership with CVI, a private debt investor based in Warsaw, Poland.

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FISCHER has agreed on a global cooperation between FISCHER Fuel Cell Compressor and WEICHAI Power
Bilindustrin | Industriella maskiner och komponenter

FISCHER has agreed on a global cooperation between FISCHER Fuel Cell Compressor and WEICHAI Power

FISCHER Spindle Group AG (FISCHER) has agreed on a global cooperation between FISCHER Fuel Cell Compressor (FFCC) and WEICHAI Power Company Limited.

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FAI Automotive has been acquired by Motus Holdings

FAI Automotive has been acquired by Motus Holdings

FAI Automotive plc (FAI), one of the UK’s leading distributors of replacement automotive parts, has been sold to Motus Holdings, a South Africa-headquartered automotive group.

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“Oaklins’ team in Italy has been very professional and efficient. As soon as they learned about my needs and those of my partners, they promptly identified the right international investor for Cramaro and helped us to perfect an extremely successful transaction that will allow our company to further our growth and development. It has been a real a pleasure to work with Oaklins.”

Matteo Gianazza

CEO, Cramaro Tarpaulin Systems S.r.l.

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Example: https://newsroom-api.pr.co/v1/pressrooms/oaklins/tagged/press_releases?country=AT&includes=featured_images,tags&language=de-AT&limit=3&tags=healthcare 
Ours: https://newsroom-api.pr.co/v1/pressrooms/oaklins/tagged/press_releases?country=FI&includes=featured_images,tags&language=sv&limit=1&tags=automotive

Businesses are shaping the future through M&A

KVARTALSVIS M&A-AKTIVITET: Under Q4 2024 slutförde Oaklins 90 M&A-transaktioner, med TMT och Hälso- och sjukvård i spetsen, vilket speglar innovation och strategisk tillväxt.

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Prata med våra lokala rådgivare

Samuli Siljamäki

Senior Advisor
Helsingfors, Finland
Oaklins Finland