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Industriella maskiner och komponenter

Avgörande vägledning på din resa

Traditionella maskiner är snabbt på väg att bli utdaterade. Istället letar företag efter mer effektiva lösningar, såsom exempelvis ansluten utrustning och additiv tillverkning. Våra engagerade och kunniga medarbetare världen över har både kunskapen och nätverket för att positionera dig i framkant av den tekonologiska utvecklingen — eller hjälpa dig att sälja ditt företag till bästa möjliga värdering.

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slutförda affärer inom Industriella maskiner och komponenter
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LISEGA SE has been acquired by BUHLMANN RFS GmbH & Co. KG
Industriella maskiner och komponenter

LISEGA SE has been acquired by BUHLMANN RFS GmbH & Co. KG

Hardtke Stiftung has sold LISEGA SE to BUHLMANN RFS GmbH & Co. KG.

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Sandvik has acquired Portugal-based Frezite
Industriella maskiner och komponenter

Sandvik has acquired Portugal-based Frezite

Walter, a division of Sandvik Manufacturing and Machining Solutions, has acquired Portugal-based Frezite, a family-owned polycrystalline diamond (PCD) tool manufacturer.

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KKR to invest in Precipart Group Ltd.
Riskkapital | Hälsovård | Industriella maskiner och komponenter

KKR to invest in Precipart Group Ltd.

Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (KKR) has agreed to make a significant strategic investment in Precipart Group Ltd., a leading contract manufacturer of precision components for the medical device and aerospace industries. KKR plans to support the company in its continued growth organically and through M&A.

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“We are absolutely delighted with the exceptional level of service and invaluable assistance we received from the Oaklins team during our entire sale process. Their deep expertise in the equipment rental space and extensive knowledge of buyers were instrumental in securing the best outcome for our company and its shareholders. The team exhibited a high level of professionalism and dedication, ensuring a smooth and efficient transaction. Engaging Oaklins as our exclusive advisor was undoubtedly the best decision we made, as they successfully brought the right acquirer to the table and were instrumental in negotiating the best transaction structure.”

Chedo Sobot

Chairman and co-founder, Skytec Rentals

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Example: https://newsroom-api.pr.co/v1/pressrooms/oaklins/tagged/press_releases?country=AT&includes=featured_images,tags&language=de-AT&limit=3&tags=healthcare 
Ours: https://newsroom-api.pr.co/v1/pressrooms/oaklins/tagged/press_releases?country=FI&includes=featured_images,tags&language=sv&limit=1&tags=industrial-machinery-components

Businesses are shaping the future through M&A

KVARTALSVIS M&A-AKTIVITET: Under Q4 2024 slutförde Oaklins 90 M&A-transaktioner, med TMT och Hälso- och sjukvård i spetsen, vilket speglar innovation och strategisk tillväxt.

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Prata med våra lokala rådgivare

Samuli Siljamäki

Senior Advisor
Helsingfors, Finland
Oaklins Finland

Träffa våra globala specialister

Dr. Florian von Alten

Managing Partner
Hamburg, Tyskland
Oaklins Germany

Fokko Poldervaart

Amsterdam, Nederländerna
Oaklins Netherlands

Philip Barker

London, Storbritannien
Oaklins Evelyn Partners