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Logistikbranschen präglas av betydande förändringar. Samtliga, såväl små lokala företag som globala aktörer, tvingas anpassa sig till utvecklingen för att kunna växa. Det snabba införandet av ny teknologi, såsom big data, AI och blockkedjor, innebär både nya utmaningar och nya möjligheter.

Genom diversifiering, differentiering och konsolidering hjälper våra globala M&A-experter dig att hänga med i utvecklingstakten och hitta nya sätt att skapa värde.

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slutförda affärer inom Logistik
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Talley Inc. has been acquired by Rexel USA Inc.

Talley Inc. has been acquired by Rexel USA Inc.

Talley Inc., a leading distributor of wireless communications infrastructure and mobile products, has been acquired by Rexel USA Inc., the North American subsidiary of Rexel, a worldwide expert in the distribution of electrical products and services.

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Cooksey Iron & Metal Company has been acquired by Reliance Steel & Aluminum Co

Cooksey Iron & Metal Company has been acquired by Reliance Steel & Aluminum Co

The shareholders of Cooksey Iron & Metal Company have sold the company to Reliance Steel & Aluminum Co.

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Caliber.global attracts investor Capital A for next growth phase
Riskkapital | Logistik | TMT

Caliber.global attracts investor Capital A for next growth phase

The shareholders of Caliber.global, a leading tech-enabled fourth-party logistics (4PL) supply chain and management company with deep expertise in the market of construction supply chain management, have agreed to sell a majority stake to Capital A. By partnering with Capital A, Caliber.global will be able to further expand its global footprint and accelerate its growth potential.

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“With its international and very experienced team, Oaklins enabled us to be present in Bremen and at the target locations in Colombia at the same time. We appreciate this expertise because Leschaco is also a truly international company. The well-coordinated team supported us very professionally throughout the entire process, helping us navigate the complexity of this transaction across borders.”

Constantin Conrad

CDO and Managing Partner, Leschaco Group

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Example: https://newsroom-api.pr.co/v1/pressrooms/oaklins/tagged/press_releases?country=AT&includes=featured_images,tags&language=de-AT&limit=3&tags=healthcare 
Ours: https://newsroom-api.pr.co/v1/pressrooms/oaklins/tagged/press_releases?country=FI&includes=featured_images,tags&language=sv&limit=1&tags=logistics

Businesses are shaping the future through M&A

KVARTALSVIS M&A-AKTIVITET: Under Q4 2024 slutförde Oaklins 90 M&A-transaktioner, med TMT och Hälso- och sjukvård i spetsen, vilket speglar innovation och strategisk tillväxt.

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Prata med våra lokala rådgivare

Samuli Siljamäki

Senior Advisor
Helsingfors, Finland
Oaklins Finland

Träffa våra globala specialister

Don Wiggins

Jacksonville, USA
Oaklins Heritage