I en alltmer konkurrensutsatt marknad för riskkapitalbolag blir det allt svårare att hitta lukrativa affärer och de överhängande riskerna blir snarare regel än undantag. Genom djupgående kunskap inom många branscher, och med över 850 M&A-rådgivare världen över, kan vi leverera ett affärsflöde som består av de bästa möjligheterna på marknaden — och hjälpa dig att vara i framkant.
Kontakta rådgivare
Infranode has agreed to acquire a 49% stake in the two biogas plants Thorsø Biogas Anlæg and Foersom Bioenergi
Infranode AB has agreed to acquire a 49% stake in the two biogas plants Thorsø Biogas Anlæg and Foersom Bioenergi. The acquisition marks Infranode’s first entry into the biogas sector, representing a new strategic direction in line with the fund’s focus on sustainable infrastructure investments. The new partnership with Renegas enables a significant expansion plan for the two plants and positions Renegas as a platform for acquiring additional biogas plants.
Lär dig merArculus Cyber Security has been acquired by Bridewell
The shareholders of Arculus Cyber Security (Arculus) have sold the business to Bridewell. The deal will bolster Bridewell’s growing roster of accreditations as well as strengthen its public sector footprint, enabling the expansion of its end-to-end cyber security offering for clients across the globe.
Lär dig merDriv Kapital enters into partnership with renowned specialized IT consultancies SOCO, Gnist and Forse
Driv Kapital Fund I has acquired 38% of the shares in the newly established group consisting of Soco Norge AS (SOCO), Gnist Consulting AS (Gnist), Forse.NET AS (Forse.NET) and Forse Mobil AS (Forse Mobil). The companies’ founders, management and employees will own the remaining 62%. The partnership involves the creation of a new parent company which will have 100% ownership in all the companies, which until now have been owned by their founders and employees.
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Rieny Rijnen
Founder and CEO, TOPIC
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Strategic partnership aims to accelerate growth for Belgian specialty tomato producer
DEAL FLASH: Den Berk Délice, en ledande belgisk odlare av specialtomater, har ingått ett strategiskt partnerskap med Egeria, ett oberoende investeringsbolag, för att förverkliga nästa tillväxtfas. Oaklins team i Belgien och Nederländerna agerade som exklusiv säljrådgivare åt Den Berk Délice i denna transaktion.
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Brian Livingston
Oaklins Evelyn Partners