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Teknologi, media och telekommunikation

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slutförda affärer inom Teknologi, media och telekommunikation
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Perfion has been acquired by Boyum IT
Riskkapital | TMT

Perfion has been acquired by Boyum IT

Perfion has been acquired by Boyum IT, a portfolio company of Volpi Capital. This acquisition enables Boyum IT to offer Microsoft-based software solutions and further strengthen its position as a one-stop shop software provider.

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Driv Kapital enters into partnership with renowned specialized IT consultancies SOCO, Gnist and Forse
Riskkapital | TMT

Driv Kapital enters into partnership with renowned specialized IT consultancies SOCO, Gnist and Forse

Driv Kapital Fund I has acquired 38% of the shares in the newly established group consisting of Soco Norge AS (SOCO), Gnist Consulting AS (Gnist), Forse.NET AS (Forse.NET) and Forse Mobil AS (Forse Mobil). The companies’ founders, management and employees will own the remaining 62%. The partnership involves the creation of a new parent company which will have 100% ownership in all the companies, which until now have been owned by their founders and employees.

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Technology & Strategy Group expands with the integration of TOPIC
Riskkapital | TMT

Technology & Strategy Group expands with the integration of TOPIC

Technology & Strategy Group (T&S), a European expert in consulting, digital and engineering, is developing its engineering business with the arrival of new Dutch partner TOPIC, an expert in embedded systems. The integration of TOPIC will further strengthen T&S’ expertise in system, hardware and software development, which will enable the delivery of more complex, turnkey projects and complete solutions, including end-to-end product development.

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“Joining forces with MagiCAD opens up new opportunities for EQUA. We expect our new partner to help us move simulation from expert to mainstream, and that design and refurbishment decisions will be increasingly driven by science rather than tradition and fear of under-sizing. With a significant minority ownership still in the company, we are enthusiastic about the opportunity to capitalize on Glodon’s existing platform to increase the reach of our solutions within energy optimization and simulation. I am impressed by Oaklins’ dedication and methodical work, which resulted in a deal exceeding expectations.”

Per Sahlin

CEO and founder, EQUA Simulation AB

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Samuli Siljamäki

Senior Advisor
Helsingfors, Finland
Oaklins Finland

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Éric Félix-Faure

Managing Partner
Paris, Frankrike
Oaklins France

Frederik van der Schoot

Managing Partner
Amsterdam, Nederländerna
Oaklins Netherlands

Adel Koubaa

Managing Partner
Stockholm, Sverige
Oaklins Sweden

Dr. Jürg Stucker

Zurich, Schweiz
Oaklins Switzerland

Iain Lownes

Bristol, Storbritannien
Oaklins Evelyn Partners

Anthony Platt

London, Storbritannien
Oaklins Cavendish

Christopher H. Park

Managing Director
Los Angeles, USA
Oaklins Intrepid

Reed Phillips

Managing Partner
New York, USA
Oaklins DeSilva+Phillips