Tjänster inom företagsfinansiering
Oavsett vilken sida av transaktionen du befinner dig på kommer en noggrann värdering och grundlig due diligence att stärka dina argument. Vårt engagemang och oberoende rådgivning ger dig stöd i form av en opartiskt baserad åsikt gällande finansiella frågeställningar. Du kan få din strategi till att bli en verklighet med stöd av vår branschkunskap och vårt engagemang.

Winda Power Oy has obtained strategic advice on the sale of the company
The private shareholders of Winda Power Oyj have received strategic advice on the sale of the company.
Lär dig merInfradata founder and management team have invested alongside IK Investment Partners
The founder and management team of Infradata have invested alongside IK Investment Partners in the acquisition of the company from Waterland Private Equity. Under the new structure, founder and management team will continue to manage the company into the next phase of its growth strategy.
Lär dig merExclusive Capital GmbH has completed a joint venture agreement with Miller Leasing Miete GmbH
Exclusive Capital GmbH, a division of Exclusive Group, has completed a joint venture with Miller Leasing Miete GmbH.
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