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Deal Flash
The leading Finnish early childhood education and care (ECEC) services provider Pilke päiväkodit Oy has been acquired by Norway-based Læringsverkstedet Gruppen AS from Korona Invest Oy and minority shareholders. This acquisition secures a sound market position for Læringsverkstedet in Finland, with a strong brand and well-established presence across the country as a platform for further consolidation.
Following the acquisition, Læringsverkstedet will be the largest daycare group in the Nordics and one of the most significant players globally, with operations in Norway, Sweden, Finland, Germany, Dubai and Latvia.MARCUS BLOMQVIST, PARTNER, OAKLINS, FINLAND
Oaklins found the best partner to expand the business
Oaklins’ team in Finland advised Læringsverkstedet on the acquisition of Pilke päiväkodit. Oaklins’ cross-border expertise and dedication ensured the successful closing of this transaction.
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