M&A and finding the right source of funding can play a significant role in accelerating recovery. Discover how we have collaborated closely, helpin...
Read articleM&A and finding the right source of funding can play a significant role in accelerating recovery. Discover how we have collaborated closely, helpin...
Read articleHUMAN RESOURCES SPOT ON: Tom Van de Meirssche, Oaklins’ Human Resources Europe specialist, takes a look at trends that have emerged or consolidated...
Read articleWEBINAR RECORDING: Listen to our panel as they share insights on opportunities and challenges entrepreneur-led firms in North America, South Americ...
Read articleTHE IMPACT OF E-COMMERCE ON THE PACKAGING AND PRINT INDUSTRIES: Packaging and print are two sectors that have undergone rapid evolution in response...
Read articleQUARTERLY UPDATE ON THE M&A MARKET IN CHINA: China’s economy is bouncing back strongly from the pandemic, showing double-digit growth in Q1 2021, w...
Read articleDue to its high growth and non-cyclical nature, drug compounding is an attractive market from an M&A perspective.
Read articleM&A can play a significant role in preparing and accelerating recovery. Discover how we have collaborated closely, helping entrepreneurs and compan...
Read articleARTICLE: Doug Kravet outlines key global trends in the rapidly growing organic and sustainable agriculture sector. He is Oaklins' organic & sustain...
Read articleA few of our bright and ambitious female colleagues share their go-to quote or mantra in difficult situations. Ailbhe Doyle and Melanie Berthelot a...
Read articleDISTRIBUTION SPOT ON: Oaklins’ distribution sector specialist Don Wiggins’ market overview includes a focus on healthcare supplier Henry Schein’s M...
Read articleFOOD INGREDIENTS SPOT ON: This issue’s spotlight falls on the Sacco System Group, Italian producer of milk enzymes, food microorganisms, probiotics...
Read articleTIC SPOT ON: Oaklins’ specialist Arjen Kostelijk casts his eye back over Q4 2020’s frenetic M&A activity to give a breakdown of relevant deals and ...
Read articleINTERVIEW in FINANCE Magazin with Dr. Florian von Alten, leader of Oaklins’ industrial machinery & components team
Read articleENTERPRISE SAAS SPOT ON: What's behind the surge in Nordic SaaS share prices? Oaklins' enterprise SaaS specialist Alpo Luostarinen explains why equ...
Read articleQUARTERLY UPDATE ON THE M&A MARKET IN CHINA: 2021’s optimistic start sees China’s positive 2020 GDP set to surge. Oaklins’ Angela Chen focuses on n...
Read articleHORTICULTURE SPOT ON: Oaklins’ horticulture specialist Frank de Hek analyzes the sector’s attractiveness for newcomers and the benefits their scale...
Read articleINTERNET OF THINGS SPOT ON: Oaklins’ IoT specialist Jan P. Hatje investigates the rationale behind the tech giant’s groundbreaking decision to reac...
Read articleTo gain resilience in times of change and transition, one of the most important things is to surround ourselves with knowledgeable and supportive p...
Read articleCREATIVE SERVICES SPOT ON: How might lessons learned in 2020 impact the future of creativity? Oaklins’ creative services specialist John Kaiser rev...
Read articleAN UPDATE ON THE M&A MARKET: Oaklins’ M&A advisors from our Atlanta and Boston office provide an overview of today’s dynamic but still fragmented i...
Read articleAUTOMOTIVE OEM SUPPLIERS SPOT ON: Top of automakers’ New Year’s resolutions is rebuilding inventory to meet strong post-lockdown demand. How will c...
Read articleEVENT RECAP: Nothing boosts your firm’s value as much as having clients grow reliant on you. With reliance comes pricing power, profits, and a supe...
Read articleAN UPDATE ON THE M&A MARKET: The robotics industry looks likely to emerge from the current crisis sooner than many other industries, Oaklins’ Dr. J...
Read articleCHEESE SPOT ON: In this issue of Spot On, Oaklins’ cheese specialist Davide Milano looks at COVID-19’s unexpected impact on food consumption and ho...
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