M&A Update Technology Sector Q3 2022

M&A market developments and valuation environment in the second quarter

While global M&A activity, driven by rising inflation and the ongoing geopolitical conflicts, declines, the market in Europe remains fairly stable

Macroeconomically, we continue to face an absolutely exceptional situation - at 10%, inflation in Germany in September is expected to be the highest since 1951, the war in Ukraine is still ongoing, and the global supply chains of key hardware components are still disrupted by the late effects of the handling of the pandemic. Despite all of this, M&A activity in the European TMT sector is relatively stable. The number of transactions decreased slightly from 775 in Q2 to 745 in Q3 2022. As the main driver we see the need for the participants to secure market shares in the face of global competition. Our report analyses the current valuation development and addresses the following topics:

  • Development of European M&A activity as well as background information on selected transactions
  • Development of the current valuation level in Europe
  • Development of various sub-segments in the Tech stock market

Additionally, we present one of our recent TMT deals from New York City: the sale of Sling Inc, a leading digital workforce scheduling, communication and management solution, to Toast Inc, a cloud-based all-in-one platform for the hospitality industry.


We hope you enjoy reading the report and look forward to exchanging ideas with you soon.

Your TMT team at Oaklins Germany

Ha 2023 dsc00072
Jan P. Hatje Hamburg, Germany
Managing Partner
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Cr 2023 dsc09282
Christoph Rummelt Hamburg, Germany
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Cra 2023 dsc00212
Christopher Rahn Frankfurt, Germany
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Fe 2023 dsc09983
Florian Engel Hamburg, Germany
Senior Associate
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Fd 2023 dsc09513
Felix Daetz Hamburg, Germany
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Felix stehr
Felix Stehr Hamburg, Germany
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Lg 2023 dsc00321
Lukas Girke Frankfurt, Germany
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Kk 2023 dsc00584
Kevin Johannes Kambach Hamburg, Germany
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