Branding: the cornerstone of success in the pet industry

Pets Spot On

As a growing sector where competition is strong, branding can be key to success when it comes to pets. Owners are increasingly demanding when it comes to the products and services they seek for their domestic companions, from top-quality ingredients in their food to eco-friendly packaging and premium options.

All this means, as we discuss in our latest Pets Spot On, that any business which can get its brand right can benefit from advantages such as customer loyalty and better company valuations.

An influential brand can unlock premium pricing, strengthen customer loyalty, and establish a competitive edge. This, in turn, can enhance a company’s financial success and market value, which may have a positive impact on its valuation. CHRISTOPHER RAHN, PETS SPECIALIST, OAKLINS

In our report we look at market drivers such as humanization and premiumization, the keys to effective branding in the pet industry, and the significance of diversification. There’s also an overview of recent M&A activity and transactions involving European companies, along with a review of historical valuation trends.

 Talk to our industry specialists

Original cra 2023 dsc00212
Christopher Rahn Frankfurt, Germany
Head of Pet Industry
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Mt 2023 dsc00372
Maren Tietz Frankfurt, Germany
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Lg 2023 dsc00321
Lukas Girke Frankfurt, Germany
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