Robotics report
An update on the M&A market
Although general economic recovery may take some time, the robotics industry looks likely to emerge from the current crisis sooner than many other industries. What are the opportunities for those who want to position themselves for future growth?
Oaklins’ specialists Dr. Jürg Stucker and David Zürrer zone in on buyer structure and deals over the last decade to analyze underlying industry trends and evaluate the extent of COVID-19’s contribution to dampening recent transactions and valuations. They share their industry expertise to forecast what lies ahead and identify sectors benefiting from social distancing that may prove attractive to strategic investors.
Despite all the risks and uncertainties, the current environment offers strategic investors the opportunity to acquire attractive targets at favorable terms. In many industries, the underlying trend towards greater automation has not changed. For the robotics industry, this will eventually lead to a rising volume of M&A transactions at higher valuations.JÜRG STUCKER, OAKLINS HEAD OF ROBOTICS TEAM
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