Getting ready for the next growth phase

Deal Flash

The three founders of Listan GmbH have sold a majority stake in the company to Afinum. With this transaction, Afinum will bring its extensive experience in internationalizing business models to the table and support Listan in entering a new phase of substantial growth.

Listan operates in the highly attractive e-gaming and computer enthusiasts sector. With the rise of sports and game streaming platforms, computer gaming has come to the attention of a much broader audience.

In this competitively managed and complex sale process, Afinum was the ideal new majority shareholder for Listan GmbH. With its focus on medium-sized German companies, Afinum offers the necessary support for the next growth step. We are pleased to have found this excellent solution for the shareholders. HANS BETHGE, SENIOR ADVISOR, OAKLINS, GERMANY

Oaklins found the best partner to expand the business

Throughout the process, Oaklins’ team in Germany acted as the lead advisor to the three founders of Listan. Oaklins advised on the preparation of the sale process and due diligence, as well as the approach and parallel negotiations with potential financial investors until closing.

Talk to our advisors

Hans bethge 0
Dr. Hans Bethge Hamburg, Germany
Senior Advisor
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Christoph rummelt 0
Christoph Rummelt Hamburg, Germany
Associate Director
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Read more about the transaction, market trends, deal drivers and M&A valuation aspects

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Eric felix faure
Éric Félix-Faure Paris, France
Founder & Managing Partner
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