Innovate to stay ahead in the glass processing sector

How can glass industry players get smarter?

Although the manufacture of raw flat glass follows a well-established process—and basic flat glass products are made in a similar manner—technological innovations still occur. In recent years, new valueadding developments have created exciting new opportunities for glass companies to stand out in the marketplace.

The future of the glass industry is smart— smarter glass for smarter buildings in smarter cities. The most successful companies are those that anticipate this and are ready to provide innovative solutions to clients ANNA AILE, OAKLINS’ GLASS PROCESSING & FINISHING SPECIALIST

Our examination of 2019’s robust level of M&A transactions reveals especially high activity in Europe and North America. In this sector report, we highlight technological innovations and trends in the construction, automotive, energy efficiency and industry 4.0 sectors that point toward future growth areas in the glass processing market.

Case study Groglass

This edition’s spotlight falls on Latvia’s leading anti-reflective glass producer Groglass, whose proprietary technology has helped the company become a key market player in 45 countries. Last year Groglass’ management team, led by the founder and CEO Alexander Sasha Kelberg, acquired the company from NCH Capital Inc. in a management buy-out transaction. In this interview, Kelberg explains the firm’s growth strategy and he offers sound advice to entrepreneurs on how to remain innovative in a fast-moving market and factors to consider when selling their companies to financial investors.

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Oaklins' industry specialists

Anna aile
Anna Aile Riga, Latvia
Managing Director
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Valerija liege
Valērija Lieģe Riga, Latvia
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