Robotics report

An update on the M&A market

The global robotics M&A market continues to recover quickly from the dip experienced as a result of the pandemic, thanks in part to the fact that it’s an industry that can benefit from certain COVID-related developments.

Robots are today being used even more in healthcare and logistics, sectors where they were already in demand, in response to needs that have arisen in the past two years, as explained in our latest Robotics report.

All signs point to robots entering more and more sectors, building a solid foundation for M&A activity and company valuations in the long run. DAVID ZÜRRER, ROBOTICS SPECIALIST, OAKLINS

We also look at the need for more energy-efficient robots and those that collaborate and interact directly with people (known as “cobots”), two other factors helping the rise in deal activity. The report examines the global landscape when it comes to where robotics transaction are happening, talks about why average deal sizes have been falling this year, and looks ahead to consider the future of the sector and its M&A activity.

Talk to our robotics specialists

David zuerrer
David Zürrer Basel, Switzerland
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Andrea staerkle
Andrea Stärkle Basel, Switzerland
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