Licensed to play: navigating the regulatory landscape

Online gambling Spot On

The current wave of re-regulation offers licensed operators the chance to become bigger players in the online gambling sector. Oaklins’ specialist Nikolaos Karabelas keeps on top of continually evolving US and European legislation to provide an essential guide to the latest developments in key markets and the new advertising standards sweeping across Europe.

We also ask Nordic Gambling associate Ario Mansoori about Swedish operators’ reactions to recent legislation, disclose how the right payment methods can give operators the upper hand and examine the rationale behind recent M&A activity.

Marketing: a new landscape is taking shape

Gambling advertising has become an increasingly debated issue over the last year, as a wave of standards and restrictions continues to sweep over Europe.

Oaklins Online Gambling specialists

Nikolaos karabelas 0
Nikolaos Karabelas Stockholm, Sweden
Senior Associate
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James doody
James Doody Dublin, Ireland
Senior Associate
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Boaz levi
Boaz Levi Tel Aviv, Israel
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