UPDATE ON THE M&A MARKET IN CHINA: Our Shanghai-based principal, Angela Chen, looks at the key influences that will impact both businesses and tran...
Read articleUPDATE ON THE M&A MARKET IN CHINA: Our Shanghai-based principal, Angela Chen, looks at the key influences that will impact both businesses and tran...
Read articleHVAC SPOT ON: Despite global macroeconomic pressures, the heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) sector is enjoying strong demand thanks ...
Read articleRAIL ROLLING STOCK SPOT ON: Sébastien Nadeau, Oaklins’ rail rolling stock specialist, takes us through different strategic rationales behind recent...
Read articleBUILDING PRODUCTS REPORT: In our latest Building Products Report, specialists from Oaklins TM Capital in the US, dive into the current status of th...
Read articleGLASS PROCESSING & FINISHING SPOT ON: Oaklins recently hosted a webinar focused on the glass sector and featuring an expert panel that looked at th...
Read articleDISTRIBUTION SPOT ON: Don Wiggins, our distribution specialist, provides a market overview by looking at four different subgroups in the industry, ...
Read articleQUARTERLY HIGHLIGHTS: With a new year just started, in our Q4 Quarterly Highlights newsletter we’re reflecting on the challenges and opportunities ...
Read articleWEBINAR RECORDING: we discussed current market dynamics in the sector including M&A priorities and investment opportunities with three expert speak...
Read articleWEBINAR RECORDING– our global panel shared insights about opportunities and challenges for the glass sector in Europe and North America due as a re...
Read articleHR EUROPE MANAGEMENT SPOT ON: Tom Van de Meirssche, Oaklins’ HR Europe specialist, looks at recent relevant macroeconomic and HR trends, covering u...
Read articleAN UPDATE ON THE M&A MARKET: The global robotics M&A market is continuing to show clear signs of recovery following the impact of the pandemic, wit...
Read articleTIC SPOT ON: Oaklins’ TIC specialist, Arjen Kostelijk outlines current market trends, provides an overview of recent transactions across the sector...
Read articleeSAAS SPOT ON: Our experts Joni Pitkäranta and John Matthews explore the current status of the SaaS business model, providing a sector overview tha...
Read articleIoT SPOT ON: In our latest Spot On, discover the latest market developments in the IoT smart cities market, read about two recent transactions rela...
Read articleQUARTERLY HIGHLIGHTS: As we face ongoing global economic uncertainty, it’s no surprise that M&A activity is slowing. On the positive side, however,...
Read articleBUILDING MATERIAL SPOT ON: ‘Green construction’ is thriving and was the subject of a recent Oaklins webinar, featuring both in-house and external ...
Read articleAttempts to predict the future are as old as civilization itself. Discover how companies like Google are using prediction markets to improve their ...
Read articleTIC SPOT ON: we explore the latest trends within the industry, including its appeal to private equity investors, the reasons that explain the decre...
Read articleQUARTERLY HIGHLIGHTS: Although challenges and risk factors such as global inflation and geopolitics have impacted M&A activity this year, many of t...
Read articleWEBINAR RECORDING – There is a lot of discussion in the building sector today about sustainability and the effects of automation. But how does this...
Read articleTHRUSTING RETAIL INTO THE FUTURE: In the past two years or so, e-commerce has benefited significantly from the effects of numerous lockdowns and ot...
Read articleHVAC SPOT ON: Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) businesses are experiencing a time of unprecedented change as a result of key factor...
Read articleGLASS PROCESSING & FINISHING SPOT ON: As has been the case with many global industries, glass manufacturing has been hit hard in the first quarter ...
Read articleOver the last two years, the term ‘NFT’ has become increasingly commonplace in media and technology. And despite its relatively nascent popularity,...
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