Reed Phillips was interviewed about his book, QuickValue, by Mark Gandy on his excellent podcast CFO Bookshelf

Interview Highlights

  • “Sylvester, will you take 7.5x for your company?”
  • Quick Value’s better approach to the one-off valuation process.
  • A process with no complex calculations.
  • Reed’s origin story and how this book came to be.
  • A tool that can replace the annual strategic planning process.
  • The new rules for understanding, creating, and protecting business value (see page 29 in the Kindle version).
  • An outsider is unnecessary for this process (although Mark would jump at the opportunity to have Reed as a sounding board).
  • Identifying 8-12 value drivers from a list of 45 (listed in the book).
  • Three great questions for every leadership team.
  • Narrowing this list differs from the ‘S’ in a SWOT analysis.
  • Reed describes the entire three-step process of Quick Value.
  • Theme parks need to be cautious when using Disney as a comparable company.
  • Why public company vs. deals in private company databases?
  • Examples of special situations.

Listen to the podcast:

Reed phillips
Reed Phillips New York, United States
CEO and Managing Partner
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