A quality check for healthy multiples

Testing, inspection & certification Spot On

While deal flow may have dropped slightly for a few months earlier this year, the TIC sector has still managed to thrive despite the situation. Companies haven’t been nearly as badly impacted as those in other sectors, and in one sense have almost benefitted from the situation, due to the need for them to inspect and test masks, gloves and other types of protective equipment now being utilized worldwide. The sudden need to produce large numbers of goods has also allowed new companies to enter the market.

We are currently seeing continuous deal flow in the TIC market. Given the limited number of ‘good’ assets in the market, multiples paid for quality TIC companies are exceptionally high. ARJEN KOSTELIJK, TIC SPECIALIST, OAKLINS

This edition includes an extensive overview of deals done this year, further proving that the TIC sector is in great shape and has a healthy future ahead.

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Arjen kostelijk 0
Arjen Kostelijk Amsterdam, Netherlands
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Brian Livingston London, United Kingdom
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