Oaklins' team in Finland supports Doctors Without Borders

At Oaklins, we care about the world we live in and we believe in giving back to the community. So this year we join up with Doctors Without Borders to give you the best gift: urgent help for those who need it most. A gift that saves lives. A reason to celebrate.

Doctors Without Borders is a Nobel Prize-winning emergency humanitarian medical organization that has helped tens of millions of people since its founding in 1971. Since then it became a global movement with 40,000 staff across more than 65 countries. Doctors and other volunteers that go where the patients are. That help victims of wars, conflicts and natural disasters.

The organisation is independent and funded exclusively by private donations, so that it can continue to work at saving lives where the need is greatest. Link to spread the word:


Season's Greetings! Your team of Oaklins in Finland

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Inna Manko Helsinki, Finland
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Oaklins Suomessa

Oaklins on maailman kokenein keskisuurten yrityksien yritysjärjestelyneuvonantaja, jolla on yli 850 ammattilaista maailmanlaajuisesti ja omistautuneet toimialatiimit yli 40 maassa. Omistautunut tiimimme Helsingissä tarjoaa laajaa toimialaosaamista, erityisinä painopistealueina teknologia, finanssipalvelut, uusiutuva energia ja kuluttajatuotteet.

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