Screening the market for a perfect partner

Deal Flash

Sens-Tech, a world leader in imaging sensors, has been acquired by discoverIE Group plc, a specialist provider of electronic components.

The global X-ray detector market is forecast to grow at an annual rate of 5.8%, from US$2.8 billion to US$3.9 billion between 2018 and 2024, according to Research and Market.

I was very impressed by Oaklins Smith & Williamson’s team, who provided considered advice and support throughout a complex transaction with a number of challenging elements. The team were always available, helping me to prepare for the process and providing balanced and calm advice. Their understanding and experience of partnering with owner-managers on international processes was invaluable, and I am grateful they were on hand to expertly guide me. THE OWNER, SENS-TECH, UNITED KINGDOM

Oaklins found the best partner to develop the business

Oaklins Smith & Williamson, based in the UK, worked with the owner of Sens-Tech to conduct an international search for a strategic partner to support the company’s continuing growth and to strengthen Sens-Tech’s position.

Talk to our industry specialists

Brian livingston 0
Brian Livingston London, United Kingdom
Managing Director
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Stuart goodman
Stuart Goodman London, United Kingdom
Associate Director
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Read more about the transaction, market trends, deal drivers and M&A valuation aspects

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