M&A in the age of digital disruption

Introduction to Oaklins Tech

Rapid advancements in technology, dramatic globalization and sector convergence are creating abundant M&A opportunities within the TMT industry.

Oaklins’ TMT industry specialists across the world understand the underlying trends and rationales that are driving this consolidation, and have developed an impressive track record of achieving extraordinary outcomes for our clients.

Over 120 Oaklins M&A professionals from around the globe gathered in June at one of Oaklins’ yearly conferences. The conference took place in Los Angeles with a focus on the latest M&A trends in the TMT sector, hosting a selection of companies from the local LA and Silicon Valley tech community.

Technology has and continues to evolve from serving as the back-office system for companies into the primary business driver and enabler of growth for every organization today. Technology is no longer just supporting business … technology is the business. I have committed my entire professional life to working with entrepreneurs and investors of technology companies to help them capitalize on their vision to transform today’s global economy with high-impact solutions and services. CHRISTOPHER H. PARK, MANAGING DIRECTOR, OAKLINS, LOS ANGELES, USA
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Adel Koubaa Stockholm, Sweden
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Om Oaklins

Oaklins svenska team är specialiserat på rådgivning i samband med förvärv, avyttringar och fusioner av bolag i mid-market-segmentet, samt därtill relatered strategisk rådgivning. Våra uppdragsgivare är privatägda och publika bolag, private equity-hus och finansiella investerare. Vårt team består utav erfarna medarbetare med erfarenhet från ledande befattningar i, eller konsultation till, stora industriella koncerner och familjeägda bolag, investmentbanker, konsultfirmor och finansiella institutioner. Vi engagerar seniora medarbetare i samtliga processer och åtar oss uppdrag inom flertalet industrisegment i vilka vi, utöver finansiell rådgivning, även bidrar med sektor-specifik expertis, som exempelvis professionella tjänster (business support services), konsumentvaror & retail (consumer & retail), sjukvård (healthcare), traditionell industri (industrial machinery & components), samt teknologi (technology).