Stay hungry, stay healthy

Healthy Food Spot On

Healthy food is one of the sectors that has remained resilient and is continuing to battle through the

COVID-19 outbreak. Consumer awareness of the crucial need to remain robust and focus on nutrition has brought about positive trends and encouraged people to have healthier lifestyles. Some market niches, such a pulses, are experiencing a repositioning within the healthy space. Oaklins' healthy food specialist, Paolo Russo, explains his high hopes for M&A in the sector and the exciting opportunities that lay ahead.

The healthy food segment has been extremely resilient during the COVID-19 emergency. Health concerns increased consumer awareness regarding the benefits of healthy nutrition. Furthermore, some market niches, as is the case with pulses, are experiencing a repositioning of their products within the healthy space. This process is bringing high product innovation and exciting opportunities in terms of M&A. PAOLO RUSSO, HEALTHY FOOD SPECIALIST, OAKLINS

In this edition, we focus our spotlight on the merger between Biotobio and La Finestra sul Cielo. Once competitors, they have united to provide a wider offering of healthy foods to meet the demand for better nutrition.

Talk to our industry specialist

Paolo russo
Paolo Russo Turin, Italy
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