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Kvalifisert rådgivning - hele veien

Midt i overgangen fra fossilt drivstoff til alternative energikilder og autonome kjøreegenskaper, har bilindustrien også måttet tåle markedsbelastningen fra COVID-19 og pågående globale logistikk- og forsyningsbegrensninger. Våre dedikerte fagfolk, lokalisert i alle de viktigste steder for bilindustrien, er fast bestemt på å hjelpe deg å nå dine mål i dette skiftende landskapet. Våre tjenester innen M&A, gjeldsrådgivning og corporate finance spenner fra tradisjonelle OEM-leverandører til nye teknologiselskaper. Vi vil hjelpe deg med å navigere i det nåværende markedet og å gjennomføre transaksjonene som er avgjørende for din fremtidige suksess.

Kontakt rådgiver
transaksjoner innen Bilindustrien
Les mer om våre bransjerelaterte transaksjoner
Til transaksjoner
Etac Group divests Etac Bil AS to Auto Solutions Group ApS
Private equity | Bilindustrien

Etac Group divests Etac Bil AS to Auto Solutions Group ApS

Etac AB, a portfolio company of Swedish investment company Nordstjernan, announces the divestment of Etac Bil AS to Auto Solutions Group ApS (ASG).

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MPS Bilskade has been acquired by Cary Group
Private equity | Bilindustrien

MPS Bilskade has been acquired by Cary Group

The private shareholders of MPS Bilskade AS have sold a 100 % stake in the company to Cary Group AB, backed by Nordic Capital.

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Åsane Auto AS has been acquired by OTH AS

Åsane Auto AS has been acquired by OTH AS

The private shareholders of Asane Auto AS have sold the company to OTH AS for an undisclosed consideration.

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“The Oaklins team proved to be highly dedicated, efficient and hands-on throughout the process, aiming at finding the most optimal deal structure and best solutions for both sellers and the company going forward. The foundation was professionally set through a structured process with comprehensive company analysis, presentations and supporting material.”

Annbjørn Vasdal

CEO, Etac Bil AS

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Example: https://newsroom-api.pr.co/v1/pressrooms/oaklins/tagged/press_releases?country=AT&includes=featured_images,tags&language=de-AT&limit=3&tags=healthcare 
Ours: https://newsroom-api.pr.co/v1/pressrooms/oaklins/tagged/press_releases?country=NO&includes=featured_images,tags&language=no&limit=1&tags=automotive

A look back: Success stories and smart moves in Q1

QUARTERLY M&A ACTIVITY: Q1 saw a dynamic market with significant M&A activity in various industries, with TMT leading with 15 deals. Energy, Real Estate, and Construction & Engineering Services also saw high activity.

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Kontakt våre lokale rådgivere

Nikolai K. Lunde

Managing Partner
Oslo, Norge
Oaklins Norway