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365zon has been acquired by Soltech Energy

Soltech Energy has acquired a majority stake in 365zon, the Dutch market leader active in the sale and installation of solar PV systems and other sustainability solutions focusing on the residential market. Together, Soltech Energy and 365zon will be able to broaden their offering of renewable energy solutions and accelerate the energy transition in Europe.

Founded in 2012, 365zon is the Dutch market leader active in the sale and installation of solar PV systems and other sustainability solutions focusing on the residential market. 365zon has designed a user-friendly, automated and hassle-free customer experience providing access to a whole range of sustainability solutions.

Soltech Energy offers, develops, sells, installs and optimizes solar solutions. It is engaged in the transformation of all types of properties into sustainable and self-sufficient energy producers. Soltech Energy is listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange.

Oaklins’ team in the Netherlands acted as the exclusive sell-side advisor to the shareholders of 365zon. The team in Sweden supported the transaction.

“Soltech Energy is a strong European solar energy company, and I am thrilled about entering the next growth phase for 365zon together with them. The main benefits of the new collaboration for 365zon are the increased buying power, having a financially strong partner to help further accelerate the growth of the company and the ability to soundboard with other solar energy companies in the rest of Europe.”

Lars Buuts

Founder and CEO, 365zon

Talk to the deal team

Fokko Poldervaart

Amsterdam, Netherlands
Oaklins Netherlands

Lars Gustafsson

Stockholm, Sweden
Oaklins Sweden

Tom Snijckers

Amsterdam, Netherlands
Oaklins Netherlands

Christos Karabelas

Associate Director
Stockholm, Sweden
Oaklins Sweden

Joris Gijsbers

Senior Associate
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Oaklins Netherlands

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