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Asesoramiento crítico en su proceso

El mundo está demandando que se dejen atrás las fuentes tradicionales de energía para comenzar a utilizar las renovables. Sin embargo, las opiniones no son suficientes para que se lleve a cabo el cambio. Siempre que la demanda crezca de ambos lados, las compañías buscarán innovar en dos frentes: intertir en intraestructura y extracción de recursos y, al mismo tiempo, adquirir nuevas tecnologías para refrescar la marca.

Al utilizar su conocimiento y contactos, lnuestros especialistas en el sector le ayudan a mantenerse firme en la demanda actual, así como a guiarle hacia un futuro sostenible, ofreciéndole servicios de fusiones y adquisiciones, levantamiento de capital y mercado de acciones, asesoramiento deuda y servicios de finanzas corporativas.

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Termochilca avoided the execution of guarantees and initiated a sale process

Termochilca avoided the execution of guarantees and initiated a sale process

The shareholders of Termochilca S.A. have completed a restructuring to avoid the execution of guarantees and to seek a solution that maximizes the value of the company.

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Empresas Lipigas S.A. has placed 20% of its shares in an Initial Public Offering
Energía | Logística

Empresas Lipigas S.A. has placed 20% of its shares in an Initial Public Offering

Empresas Lipigas S.A. has completed an IPO for 20% of its shares for US$150 million. It is the first IPO in Chile since 2013.

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Skanska AB has sold Skanska Peru to Confipetrol S.A.S.
Servicios de Construcción e Ingeniería | Energía

Skanska AB has sold Skanska Peru to Confipetrol S.A.S.

Skanska AB has sold its operations in Peru, Skanska Peru, to Confipetrol S.A.S. for US$29 million.

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“This acquisition aligns perfectly with our strategic goals of global expansion and service enhancement. Endiprev’s commitment to excellence in safety, quality and execution aligns perfectly with our philosophy and commitments. Their strong expertise in electrical scopes and high-voltage systems complements our own, creating a formidable partnership capable of providing unparalleled support to our clients worldwide.”

Søren Høffer

CEO, Muehlhan Wind Service

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Creating a global frontrunner in wind installation and service

DEAL FLASH: Oaklins’ team in Portugal was engaged by MWS to serve as the financial advisor for this transaction. The involvement encompassed a comprehensive buy-side role, overseeing all aspects of the deal and ultimately ensuring its successful completion.

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Eduardo Campos

Lima, Perú
Oaklins APOYO

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Franck Monnot

Paris, Francia
Oaklins France

Bryan Livingston

Socio Director
Dallas, Estados Unidos
Oaklins Capital Alliance