Idź do wybranego Biura

Luīze Mestere


Luīze is an analyst at Oaklins Baltics in Riga, where she contributes to the execution of M&A deals across various industries. A recent transaction she was involved in was the merger between OX Drive and Carguru.

Before joining the firm in 2024, Luīze worked as a financial analyst intern at Moody’s. She has a BSc in Economics and Finance from the Stockholm School of Economics in Riga and completed a semester abroad at the Frankfurt School of Finance and Management.

 Luīze Mestere
Ryga, Łotwa


Telefon służbowy
+371 20 211 454

Telefon komórkowy
+371 20 211 454

Motoryzacja | Inne Branże

Carguru and OX Drive merger set to transform Latvia’s carsharing industry

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