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Private Equity | Consumo & Retalho

Trive Capital acquires Ten Entertainment Group

Trive Capital has acquired Ten Entertainment Group Ltd.

Trive is a private equity firm managing more than US$4 billion in aggregated capital commitments, providing flexible equity and debt capital to middle-market companies.

Ten Entertainment Group is the largest entertainment tenpin bowling operator in the UK with a total of 54 sites all trading under the Tenpin brand.

Oaklins Cavendish, based in the UK, advised Trive Capital on its US$368 million recommended offer for Ten Entertainment Group Ltd.

“We are excited to partner with a leading leisure and entertainment operator, with a high-quality management team focused on innovation and providing a best-in class customer experience. Trive looks forward to continuing to invest in and behind the platform to support the employee base, enhance the existing portfolio, and facilitate estate expansion.”

Shravan Thandani

Partner, Trive Capital

Falar com a equipa da transação

Henrik Persson

Londres, Reino Unido
Oaklins Cavendish

Carl Holmes

Londres, Reino Unido
Oaklins Cavendish

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