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À medida que os mercados emergentes se aproximam das economias desenvolvidas, o mundo está sem dúvida em busca de práticas mais sustentáveis e alimentos produzidos localmente. Ao fazer aquisições estratégicas para gerir alterações de preço das commodities, atingir integração vertical e desenvolver cadeias logísticas internacionais, os nossos especialistas podem ajudá-lo a tornar-se um líder global na agricultura do futuro, assessorando-o em M&A, growth equity e ECM, debt advisory e serviços de corporate finance.

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Vitacress Salads Limited has been acquired by RAR Group
Agricultura | Alimentação & Bebidas | Imobiliário

Vitacress Salads Limited has been acquired by RAR Group

The private shareholders of Vitacress Salads Limited (Vitacress) have sold the company to RAR Group for US$105 million.

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Grupo Agris has acquired Sanipina
Agricultura | Consumo & Retalho

Grupo Agris has acquired Sanipina

With the acquisition of Sanipina, Grupo Agris expands its geographical footprint and consolidates its presence in the region of Algarve in Portugal.

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Grupo Agris has acquired Desinfestex
Agricultura | Consumo & Retalho

Grupo Agris has acquired Desinfestex

Grupo Agris has acquired Desinfestex, a company dedicated to the distribution of products for agriculture. With this acquisition, Grupo Agris expands its geographic presence in the Portuguese territory and strengthens its position as a reference distributor of agricultural products.

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“We are highly satisfied with the collaboration with Oaklins in finding the right strategic partner for Den Berk Délice. We experienced Oaklins as a highly professional partner with resolute commitment and deep expertise. Their constructive attitude, strategic advice and direct communication throughout the process gave us the necessary comfort and support and were instrumental in ultimately leading to the successful result. We are proud of the outcome and convinced that we have found the right partner to realise the next growth phase.”

Luc Beirinckx, Koen Lauwerysen, Paul Van de Mierop and Hans van Gool

Founders and shareholders, Den Berk Délice

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Strategic partnership aims to accelerate growth for Belgian specialty tomato producer

DEAL FLASH: Den Berk Délice, a leading Belgian grower of specialty tomatoes, has entered a strategic partnership with Egeria, an independent investment firm, to realize its next growth phase. Oaklins’ teams in Belgium and the Netherlands acted as the exclusive sell-side advisor to Den Berk Délice in this transaction.

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João Beirôco

Managing Partner
Lisboa, Portugal
Oaklins Portugal

Conheça os nossos especialistas setoriais globais

Thomas Roelens

Managing Director
Bruxelas, Bélgica
Oaklins KBC Securities

Raimundo Silva

Santiago, Chile
Oaklins LarrainVial

Antoine Lemaire

Paris, França
Oaklins France

Frank de Hek

Managing Partner
Amesterdão, Países Baixos
Oaklins Netherlands

Doug Kravet

Jacksonville, Estados Unidos
Oaklins Heritage