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Alimentação & Bebidas

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O setor de F&B está nas mãos do consumidor. Manter-se relevante com as atuais exigiências requere que as empresas se mantenham fiéis à sua história, desde a etiquetagem do produto à estratégia de aquisição. Os nossos profissionais experientes em M&A, growth equity e ECM, debt advisory e serviços de corporate finance podem apoiá-lo no reposicionamento do portfolio da sua marca, a encontrar parceiros estratégicos e a concretizar a avaliação mais interessante.

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Vitacress Salads Limited has been acquired by RAR Group
Agricultura | Alimentação & Bebidas | Imobiliário

Vitacress Salads Limited has been acquired by RAR Group

The private shareholders of Vitacress Salads Limited (Vitacress) have sold the company to RAR Group for US$105 million.

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Acquisition in the fruit and vegetable retail industry
Consumo & Retalho | Alimentação & Bebidas

Acquisition in the fruit and vegetable retail industry

Grupo Agris has acquired Ludite. This acquisition enables Grupo Agris to reinforce its expansion plan through business diversification and market consolidation.

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The management team has acquired a stake in Fepi Group
Consumo & Retalho | Alimentação & Bebidas | Logística

The management team has acquired a stake in Fepi Group

The management team of Fepi Group has acquired the remaining shares needed to have a majority stake in the company.

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“As family shareholders, with limited experience in M&A, we decided to appoint Oaklins' team in Belgium to help us in our search for a suitable, long-term partner. The team quickly proved to be a reliable advisor, that speaks the language of us as entrepreneurs, as well as that of financial and strategic investors. In the end they managed to secure a deal that benefits all parties around the table.”

Bert Lodewyckx

CEO, Lodewijckx Group

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Strategic moves and sector-specific trends

QUARTERLY M&A ACTIVITY: From securing growth capital to finding future partners, Oaklins' Q3 deals reflect strategic navigation in dynamic industry landscapes.

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João Beirôco

Managing Partner
Lisboa, Portugal
Oaklins Portugal

Conheça os nossos especialistas setoriais globais

Philippe Hermant

Senior Advisor
Paris, França
Oaklins France

Paolo Russo

Managing Director
Milão, Itália
Oaklins Italy

Jens Rutten

Zurique, Suíça
Oaklins Switzerland

Jonathan Buxton

Londres, Reino Unido
Oaklins Cavendish