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Pekka Suhonen

Managing Partner

Pekka is a managing partner at Oaklins Finland, where he focuses on ECM and debt advisory. He has 30 years’ professional experience in both investment banking and the ICT industry. Pekka has been involved in numerous IPOs and other ECM transactions amounting to several billions of euros in total. The most notable clients he has advised recently include Asuntosalkku, Boreo, Intera Partners, Adelis, Sentica Partners, Puuilo, Kreate, Metsäliitto and Finnair.

Prior to joining Oaklins, Pekka worked for more than 20 years at OP Financial Group, where he led OP’s ECM operations for the last 12 years. He has an MSc in Economics from the University of Jyväskylä and a CEFA Diploma from the Hanken School of Economics.

 Pekka Suhonen
Helnsínquia, Finlândia


+358 9 6129670

+358 50 3258723

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