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Samhället och miljön kräver att traditionella energikällor ersätts med förnybara alternativ. Men det krävs mer än bara starka åsikter för att denna övergång skall bli verklighet. Så länge båda energikällor efterfrågas kommer globala företag behöva vara innovativa på båda fronter, dels genom att investera i etablerad infrastruktur och dels genom att effektivisera utvinningen av resurser. Parallelt med detta behöver företag förvärva ny teknologi och förnya sina varumärken.

Våra M&A-rådgivare ställer sin industriexpertis och sina etablerade industrikontakter globalt till ditt förfogande för att hjälpa dig bemöta dagens efterfrågan och vägleda dig mot en hållbar framtid.

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NIBE has acquired Solzaima
Riskkapital | Bygg- & tekniktjänster | Energi

NIBE has acquired Solzaima

NIBE Industrier AB, a global group that develops and manufactures intelligent, energy-efficient indoor comfort solutions, has acquired Solzaima.

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365zon has been acquired by Soltech Energy

365zon has been acquired by Soltech Energy

Soltech Energy has acquired a majority stake in 365zon, the Dutch market leader active in the sale and installation of solar PV systems and other sustainability solutions focusing on the residential market. Together, Soltech Energy and 365zon will be able to broaden their offering of renewable energy solutions and accelerate the energy transition in Europe.

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Infranode has agreed to acquire a 49% stake in the two biogas plants Thorsø Biogas Anlæg and Foersom Bioenergi
Riskkapital | Energi

Infranode has agreed to acquire a 49% stake in the two biogas plants Thorsø Biogas Anlæg and Foersom Bioenergi

Infranode AB has agreed to acquire a 49% stake in the two biogas plants Thorsø Biogas Anlæg and Foersom Bioenergi. The acquisition marks Infranode’s first entry into the biogas sector, representing a new strategic direction in line with the fund’s focus on sustainable infrastructure investments. The new partnership with Renegas enables a significant expansion plan for the two plants and positions Renegas as a platform for acquiring additional biogas plants.

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“The acquisition of Solzaima enables us to gain a proper foothold in the pellet products market. Since pellet products account for the bulk of the market in Southern Europe, Solzaima will play a significant part in our future expansion. The company’s sales predominantly focus on the Iberian peninsula, which means it also complements us perfectly geographically. Solzaima has a strong management with extensive experience of our industry. It is gratifying that they will retain a share in the company for another five years to continue to develop operations together with us, which is completely in line with our philosophy.”

Gerteric Lindquist

Managing Director and CEO, NIBE Industrier AB

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Strategic moves and sector-specific trends

QUARTERLY M&A ACTIVITY: From securing growth capital to finding future partners, Oaklins' Q3 deals reflect strategic navigation in dynamic industry landscapes.

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Adel Koubaa

Managing Partner
Stockholm, Sverige
Oaklins Sweden

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Franck Monnot

Paris, Frankrike
Oaklins France

Bryan Livingston

Managing Partner
Dallas, USA
Oaklins Capital Alliance