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Ludovic Beaulieu


 Ludovic Beaulieu
Paris, France


Work phone
+33 1 42 12 32 12

Mobile phone
+33 6 61 19 89 32

Ludovic is a partner at Oaklins France. With over 10 years of M&A experience, he has led more than 15 transactions in the wellness market, particularly in cosmetics and food supplements.

Prior to joining Oaklins France in 2019, Ludovic led an M&A boutique specialized in consumer healthcare, advising innovative companies involved in preventative care and well-being, such as Visiomed and Pierre Caron Laboratories. He also founded several companies in the consumer healthcare sector, like Première Ligne, a sales platform marketing health products to pharmacies. He has extensive knowledge of the entire value chain in the consumer healthcare market thanks to business angel activities. Ludovic studied corporate finance at the University of Reims Champagne and has a degree in economics.

 Ludovic Beaulieu
Paris, France


Work phone
+33 1 42 12 32 12

Mobile phone
+33 6 61 19 89 32

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