Determine the value of your business using Oaklins Valuation Index
Discover the Oaklins Valuation Index
Using data provided by the financial information service S&P Global Market Intelligence, the Oaklins Valuation Index determines valuation multiple medians based on data of the most representative global companies in a particular industry.
For those looking for public company valuation information related to your industry, Oaklins can provide you with upper and lower medians, as well as the true median, of revenue and EBITDA multiples to refer to. In addition, for each of the 70 industries an Oaklins expert is listed so that you can contact them for additional advice, including trends and comparisons with private M&A transaction multiples.
Determine the value of your business in three easy steps
Reed Phillips, chairman of Oaklins International and managing partner at Oaklins DeSilva+Phillips in New York, has recently published a book on the topic of company valuation - QuickValue: Discover Your Value and Empower Your Business in Three Easy Steps. It provides a new and easy methodology for valuing businesses, part of which involves gathering and using public company multiples. Readers of QuickValue can conveniently use the Oaklins Valuation index data points to obtain the multiples they need for their own companies.
The book is published by McGraw Hill and can be ordered from Amazon here.
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