WEBINAR SERIES: Are you considering an exit in the near future? Our series of webinars will help you navigate the process with ease and ensure a su...
Read articleWEBINAR SERIES: Are you considering an exit in the near future? Our series of webinars will help you navigate the process with ease and ensure a su...
Read articleThis year the Baltic M&A market experienced a rebound, mirroring a broader recovery across Europe. With investor confidence improving, companies we...
Read articleGLASS PROCESSING & FINISHING SPOT ON: In our latest report on the glass sector, we look at moves taken by companies around the world to make their ...
Read articleWEBINAR RECORDING– our global panel shared insights about opportunities and challenges for the glass sector in Europe and North America due as a re...
Read articleOaklins have developed the Oaklins Valuation Index - a useful online database that can help you determine revenue and EBITDA multiples for 70 diffe...
Read articleSimilar to the rest of the world, the Baltic M&A market has been reshaped by the COVID-19 pandemic that is bound to leave a lasting impact on most ...
Read articleM&A IN THE BALTICS IN 2020 - an overview of the main trends in the M&A activity across the Baltic states and the achievements of Oaklins Baltics i...
Read articleWhile governments in the Baltics and globally slowly decrease limitations set due to COVID-19, businesses are in need of additional funds. We talke...
Read articleA highly improbable, surprising event with major consequences - that is what Valērija Lieģe, partner of Oaklins in Latvia and a member of Executive...
Read articleCOVID-19 pandemic has taken us all by surprise - we are here to make these turbulent times easier for you.
Read articleValērija Lieģe, first-ever female member of the Oaklins Executive Committee and a partner at Oaklins’ team in Latvia, was interviewed by Forbes abo...
Read article2019 MID-MARKET FINANCIAL LEAGUE TABLES - Following the publication of the official mid-market financial league tables by Mergermarket and Thomson ...
Read articleM&A IN BALTICS IN 2019 - an overview of the main trends in the M&A activity across the Baltic states and the achievements of Oaklins Baltics in th...
Read articleTIC SPOT ON: Arjen Kostelijk, Oaklins’ TIC specialist, gives us an update on the overall TIC industry and focuses in on the food safety TIC sector.
Read articleQUARTERLY UPDATE ON THE M&A MARKET IN INDIA: Oaklins is pleased to present the first issue of this new magazine dedicated to M&A in India. Its aim ...
Read articleAN UPDATE ON THE M&A ROBOTICS MARKET: Oaklins’ specialists Dr. Jürg Stucker and David Zürrer examine trends in this thriving market, such as buyer ...
Read articleSPOT ON AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS: As the global A&D industry continues to soar, Oaklins’ aircraft systems specialist Jason Kimball gives us a bird’s-eye vi...
Read articleSPOT ON CHEESE: Oaklins’ cheese specialist Davide Milano samples current trends and gives us a taste of the strongest segments in the industry. Mak...
Read articleHEALTHY FOOD SPOT ON: M&A is the inevitable result of the need to combine all the pieces of the pie in the fragmented gluten-free industry. The onc...
Read articleAN UPDATE ON THE STATE OF THE MARKET: M&A is on the rise as robots are being deployed throughout an increasing number of industries, forcing manufa...
Read articleDISTRIBUTION SPOT ON: Our specialists Don Wiggins and Alex Kellison highlight the trends and economic factors creating challenges and opportunities...
Read articleMARKET RESEARCH SPOT ON: Our specialist Ken Sonenclar braces us for the radical impact of blockchain technology on market research and foresees the...
Read articleSPOT ON TIC: Our specialist Arjen Kostelijk hones in on the key factors pulling financial investors into the TIC M&A market.
Read articleMANUFACTURING AND DISTRIBUTION OF BUILDING MATERIALS SPOT ON: Our specialist Angela Chen helps us make sense of all the changes in the Chinese mark...
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