DENTAL PET CARE I Report I February 2023

Dental pet care – an underestimated contribution to pets’ health

Although pet dental care is one of the most effective measures pet owners can take to maintain their pets' overall health and prevent health problems, surprisingly few pet owners pursue regular oral care with their pets.

For various pet species (especially fish, reptiles and birds), dental hygiene is of secondary importance due to low relevance. However, cat and dog owners – and thus the majority of European pet owners – can actively contribute to the dental health of their pets and significantly increase their life expectancy with targeted dental hygiene. Even more surprising is the fact that almost 70% of dog owners and nearly 90% of cat owners never or rarely clean their four-legged companions' teeth.

Both start-ups and established companies are offering interesting solutions and products in this attractive niche, which, in addition to progressive growth forecasts, also offers coverage of a previously largely undiscovered demand gap.


In this report, our Pet Care experts highlight the European pet dental care market, as well as its key drivers and challenges, and provide an overview of M&A activity and valuation trends.

Your industry experts in Germany:

Cra 2023 dsc00212
Christopher Rahn Frankfurt, Germany
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Mt 2023 dsc00372
Maren Tietz Frankfurt, Germany

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Lg 2023 dsc00321
Lukas Girke Frankfurt, Germany
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