The buildtech revolution – Now is the time

Building Materials Spot On

While the building industry has historically been slow to adapt to new technology, it is finally starting to turn around and no longer needs to rely on human labor and the number of hours worked. Technological advancements are applicable all along the value chain and are ensuring that this dynamic industry is now able to complete projects on time and within budget thanks to stock control, re-ordering capabilities and the ability to collect and monitor data.

The practicality of the technology extends to increasing on-site safety via wearable devices, security by using biometrics to control site access, and maintenance to help regulate energy consumption and waste.

We explore the key drivers behind the increased buildtech uptake in buildings and on construction sites worldwide and the potential benefits from introducing technology across the building materials value chain. We believe the increasing use of buildtech will only accelerate and will remain a key focus for investment and M&A for years to come. BRIAN LIVINGSTON, BUILDING MATERIALS SPECIALIST, LONDON, UK

In this Spot On, we take a look at the acquisition of Carlsen Fritzøe Handel AS, the Norway-based leader in the building materials retail sector, by Byggmakker Handel, the Norwegian subsidiary of the Finnish retailer conglomerate Kesko, helping cement Kesko’s market position in Norway.

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Brian Livingston London, United Kingdom
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