A breath of fresh air

HVAC Spot On

With the spread of COVID-19, the need for clean, healthy air is greater than ever. Research into historic acute respiratory cases found that an increase in air exchange rates significantly reduced the relative risk of transmission, demonstrating an urgent need to capitalize on HVAC engineering in order to fight future viruses.


Oaklins’ HVAC specialist, Philip Barker, reviews ways that technology can address growing demand for improved air quality and stringent new standards, and explains why some companies are seeking out merger partners in order to meet these technological challenges.

We look at the importance of indoor air quality and how recent developments in smart technology have contributed to its monitoring and control, citing Airedale International as a leading innovator in the field.


This issue of Spot On turns the spotlight on high-performance fan and ventilation systems manufacturer Nuaire. Philip Barker traces the company’s evolution since he advised on its initial sale by founder Brian Moss to ECI Partners LLP in 2004, through the various private equity investments that supported its organic growth and its subsequent sale to current owner Polypipe Group plc in 2015, up to its current position as a world leader in the ventilation market.

In addition, charts of selected public company valuations provide an overview of current trends and a list of recent transactions in the HVAC sector shows strong activity in cross-border M&A.

Talk to our industry specialist

Philip barker 0
Philip Barker London, United Kingdom
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